Sunday, March 25, 2007

The happiest of blogs

This is the happy blog, where only good things happen. Sometimes, in other blogs, people don't get the right color iPod for their birthday, and, like someone hit over the head with a hobo, they are "bummed." Sometimes relatives of the bloggers get sick, or they die or even lose their Internet connections. Some bloggers are just sad, not in the seasonal affective disorder way but in the so die already (or "So, Already, Die!") way.

But you won't have to deal with any of that here, cause I'm always happy. Sometimes I think about how the moments of my life are just ticking away, and I just have to giggle. Sometimes my children are terribly ill and we have to spend hours in some Reagan-foresaken moldy ER and I just smile to myself my secret smile. There's something just spectactularly wonderful about life, and I'm totally not being sarcastic!

So we're moving to Quirky, my sort-of-home-town, a decision we probably won't regret for several weeks. Join me on my wonderful voyage into ... the future!

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